Friday, October 06, 2006

its a bird... its a plane... its.....

" its a bird "
'no its a plane"
"no..its..its...... superman.. yeah its superman.. it
must be is.. what else can it be?"
in a split second,he hope it really is superman that
flies in that dark night sky..but then,secepat
munculnya,ide itu pun di singkirkan karena terlalu
konyol.. "its a fuckin' plane u idiot.. we're in Soewarna
Business Park 4 god sake,which is as Ur stupid jarhead
knows,its still in the airport area..lagian ada
lampunya gitu,emang lo kira supermen(kalo emang
beneran ada)iseng gitu terbang bawa lampu?nyala pula
lampunya,superman ga punya electric power oon!!"oceh
'oh iya..hahaha.. u got a point there mate
hehehe..."timpal eLmo polos..

to be continued.. :D *maklum via hp jd terbatas

PS. LEAVE A COMMENT YA.. MERCI.. au revoir..

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