Monday, January 30, 2006

there was a time not very long ago
we were laugh,cry and happy together
cant believe that will ended up like this
never even thought about it
then you are gone
left me alone
leaving me without any reason
and all there was
is me
standing here hollowed
and suddenly burned
full of rage and hatred
burried all the memories
we've ever had
goodbye and goodnite

my weekend

sore ini sama seperti kemarin,awan mendung dr pagi ujan terus hanya brenti gy santai,relaxed myself enjooying the breeze of the weekend sambil minum abis cuci motor di car wash seberang gang rmh abis males jg nyuci sndiri haha..rese ngantrunya bnyk bgt tp klo ntar2an pasti ujan lg en keburu tutup..jam menjelang maghrib balik krmh buru2 pengen nonton biographynya sOe Hok Gie,sempet sih nonton cm pas yg gie ud meninggal huaa males..
abis maghrib jam 7 ga ad kerjaan,smsin orang2 gaada yg bales,nonton tv ganti2 channel ga ada yg bagus akhirnya ngobrol ma bul2 dikamar gw(yg sebrangan ma kmr dy) sambil nonton eXtravaganza,Panasonic Movie Preview en A1 Grand Prix..setelah dengerin keluh-kesah bul2(yg ga akan gw tulis disini takut dia-yang-namanya-males-gw-sebut baca ha3) gw bengong lagi..
eniwei..setelah bul2 kluar kmr gw,gw iseng beresin lemari sambil dengerin cd garasi (yg bentar lagi mo dijual hahaha) lg ngatur isi foto didompet baru,,nyari foto bokap yg 4x6 ga ktmu pdhl krg foto dy doank foto nyokap,kk2 gw n gw udah,eh malah nemu foto2 gw sm si "jelek" huahaha kisah lama terbuka kembali..setelah mengenang beberapa saat kenangan gw sama si"jelek" akhirnya lemari gw rapih juga en foto bokap ga ktmu yg 4x6,yg ada gw modif deh byar muat k dompet..
kira2 jam 11 akhirnya gw bingung mo ngapain lagi..abis coratcoret trus denger D.K.A.D. akhirnya mata gw pun tertutup..

Thursday, January 26, 2006

photo by rYan cAbrera

A photo can say a thousand things
But it cant say the million things i wanna say
A photo can capture the way we were
But it cant capture the way we are
Cause you're far away

What it's like to know you
What it's like to touch you, yeah

When you told me that you loved me
Were those just words?
You cant tell me you dont need me
And i know that hurts
Cause im looking at your picture
Cause its all i've got
Maybe one day you and me will have
One more shot

Timing lost minutes and moments
Yeah i might be lonely girl
But im not afraid
In a second it all comes right back to me
No nothings forgotten now
Yeah everythings saved

What its like to touch you
What its like to know you, Yeah

When you told me that you loved me
Were those just words?
You cant tell me you dont need me
And i know that hurts
Cause im looking at your picture
Cause its all i've got
Maybe one day you and me will have
One more shot

You were my life
You were my faith
You gave me hope everyday

When you told me that you loved me
Were those just words?
You cant tell me you dont need me
And i know that hurts
Cause im looking at your picture
Cause its all i've got
Maybe one day you and me will have
One more shot

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

goodbye 2005 n happy nu year 2006

another year has passed..
and feels like nothing changed in me
not worst nor better
feels like i'm stuck..
stuck in a particular piece of mind..
geting no where everytime..
been trying hard to boost up
or have I try hard/best ??

i hope in this new beginning of the new year
i could change my characters into something better
wish could do the best 4 my famz n myself
4 eLmo,Vicko,eiRa lets get through this together
make this year into an extraordinary year 4 all of us

as for all of you my friend
i wish u much luck n luv
so u can stand up n take a step
for a new life
a new hope..
lets reborn ourself into something better

hApPy neW Year 2006

wish U all the very best

by : eira,nanank,vicko,elmo